The Pros And Cons Of Surrogacy

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Surrogacy has always been an ethical problem worldwide since it involves a third party to be able to create a baby. There are two types of surrogacy; gestational and traditional. In both of these cases the father donates the sperm. In traditional surrogacy the surrogate mother’s eggs are used through artificial insemination and in gestational surrogacy the mother also donates the egg while the surrogate mother works as an incubator for the fertilized egg. Infertility occurs when the egg is unable to be successfully fertilized by the male sperm due to low sperm count, obesity, premature menopause and other factors such as sexually transmitted diseases.. Though surrogacy offers the option for infertile heterosexual couples to have babies, many oppose to this saying it is unethical and therefore has become a controversy. India, Ukraine and states like California are some of the few countries/states that allow this certain practice and others such as England and Australia only recognize forms of altruistic surrogacy done by family or friends.(Saxena, Pikee, …show more content…

They argue that a life can’t be bought. Several people also ruminate that the surrogate child will be affected since he/she may be affected due to thoughts of being different. The most persuasive arguments that the scholars came up with the motive of proving that surrogacy was bad was explaining the effects it would have on the surrogate mother and the negative effects on the women who became surrogate mothers because of economic problems. They say that this may be considered prostitution because poor women could be exploited. Surrogacy is compared to the marketing of human organs because it is “basically the renting of wombs” (Dougherty, Charles J). So therefore, is surrogacy really