
The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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If you were president Truman, would you drop the bomb? The Manhattan project had been in the works for 3 years, and finally, on August 6th and 9th, 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. History on the net provides many reasons as to why the atomic bomb was the best option possible. While some people believe the bomb was unnecessary and there was no need for it to have been dropped, others believed that it had to have been dropped as it saved lives. The US should have dropped the bomb, because it was dropped after careful consideration from experienced military officials, it shortened the war, and the Japanese committed many atrocities and war crimes. The atomic bomb was dropped after careful consideration from highly …show more content…

The article states, “It achieved its primary objective of shortening the war.” (History on the Net 15) Dropping the bomb actually shortened the war, which also means there were less deaths compared to how many more there would have been if they did not drop the bomb, and the war may have gone on for much longer without the bomb. The article adds, “President Truman and the Allies issued a final ultimatum to Japan, known as the Potsdam Declaration” (History on the Net 19). The president and the Allied powers gave further warning about the bomb and even issued a final compromise, Japan still didn’t do anything and refused to cooperate, which forced the US to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. The president and the Allied powers gave further warning about the bomb and even issued a final compromise, Japan still didn’t do anything and refused to cooperate, which forced the US to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. Even though the bomb caused the deaths of many innocent civilians, it still caused less deaths than how many would have remained if they didn’t drop the bomb, and they also explain how Japan refused to cooperate and only lied and committed many war crimes and atrocities. The bomb was dropped also because of all the war crimes the Japanese committed. The Japanese military committed many atrocities. The article contradicts, “Opponents of the bomb were adamant that there were other options available to the

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