The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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The death penalty also known as capital punishment has been a topic that has been argued by both parties for a long time. The death penalty is a legal process when the state that the inmate committed his or her crime in is sent to death row for committing that heinous crime. Some people may say that the death penalty is cruel and should not be allowed in any states, but others may say that the criminal deserves what they are getting due to the fact that they committed a crime that is worth putting them on death row. The main reason why some people are so against the death penalty is because people do get wrongfully convicted and if they get sent to death row they die for a crime they did not commit. According to “List of 10 Biggest Death Penalty Pros and Cons” is that the innocence of the person is proven after the execution has already been carried out. The Guardian states that United States death row study found that 4.1% of defendants that are sent to death row are innocent. Could you imagine being in that position where you have done nothing wrong but in he end you still have to pay for something you did not do and it costs you your life in the end? Additionally to being wrongfully convicted some people who commit crimes are not in the right state of mind due to mental illness. Mental …show more content…

There are thirty-one states with the death penalty including South Carolina as one, nineteen states that do not have the death penalty, and 4 states that are gubernatorial moratoria states, which means that the governor decides what the state should do in that case (States With and Without the Death Penalty, 2017). There has been controversy over capital punishment throughout The United States some states believe that the criminals should pay for what they have done as others think that life in prison will suffice and that the death penalty is