The Pros And Cons Of The Model Minority Myth

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The model minority myth describes Asian Americans as the ideal racial minority based on their perceived achievement as a group – high incomes, good education, and low crime rates. While the model minority myth may seem positive at surface level, it can create many problems for Asian American students. These students may be overlooked for receiving individual assistance, may be unfairly stereotyped, and may resist seeking help when they need it. The model minority myth also creates tension between Asian Americans and other minority groups – who may feel that Asian Americans receive significant advantages over their own group. Educators can work to create supportive and inclusive school environments by educating themselves about the model minority myth and working to eradicate their own biases. This paper examines the model minority myth, its impacts on Asian American students, and what educators can do to overcome it.

Racial Identity: Model Minority
Introduction …show more content…

However, some of the more recent racial discrimination and stereotyping of Asian Americans looks different than one might expect. Over the last few decades specifically, Asian Americans have been described as the “model minority” - hard-working, studious, and committed to family, alongside other positive attributes (Joo, Reeves, & Rodrigue, 2016). While this may not initially sound negative, the model minority myth causes undue pressure on Asian American students who do not fit the “model minority” mold and creates divisions between Asian Americans and other minority groups. Educators need to be aware of the model minority myth in order to avoid continuing its perpetuation and to create supportive and inclusive school environments for Asian American