
The Pros And Cons Of The Wooly Mammoth

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Imagine waking up and seeing a mammoth outside of your window. That would never be possible because mammoths are extinct right? Well now scientists are trying to change that. As amazing as this sounds it could also be a really bad thing. There are a lot of pros and cons but the cons seem to be more prominent. In the following paragraphs I'll be stating why this could be a bad thing and why we should leave what's extinct, extinct.
To begin with Mammoths lived far long ago in different eras and ages. The world as we know it today has changed a lot and is sure not as adaptable as it would be back then. The wooly mammoth lived in what was known as the Ice Age. Many scientists also agree with this statement on how habitats are not the same and chave changes . Biothictic Hank …show more content…

I agree with his statements because such a big animal that not all habitats are used to could disrupt other ecosystems.
Another con would be hunting. In America and in almost all places over the world hunting exists. This is where humans go out and kill animals , whether it's for food , fur , ivory ect. Bringing any animal that was extinct back to life could just result in them being extinct once again. According to the American museum of natural history web page 100-10,000 species go extinct each year. When it comes to hunting according to the “ world animal foundation” alone in the U.S over 100 million animals are hunted and killed each year. This is another reason why bringing such an animal as big or as famous as the wooly mammoth would be in danger of getting hunted and going right back to extinction.
On the contrary, bringing back an extinct animal could be good. According to
Paleontologist Mike Archer “scientistsshouldusebiotechnologytocloseextinct species”.Mike states that this will help increase biodiversity. His reason is “When

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