The Pros And Cons Of US Intervention In The United States

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America's involvement in many international affairs and problems has raised many questions and concerns about whether or not this country should continue being the world's police. Some people are starting to believe that the United States is in a decline. People also think that the united states should attempt to focus on itself rather than try to be the police of the world. However they ignore, and forget to see that without American involvement in many of these issues no other country would attempt to intervene.
People have a developed a habit to criticize the united states, and its efforts with current issues. Some also believe it's better if the United States focuses on its own issues rather than get involved in other countries business, however that is not how America is. Paul Johnson describes America as “America is fundamentally and instinctively idealistic”(Johnson 402). This means the country has high expectations for resolving the problems it gets involved in. The reason why the United States chooses to intervene in many cases is not because they …show more content…

They believe that the united states needs to focus on approaching each issue in a realpolitik way rather than an idealistic way. Either way if the country were to attempt to solve the issue. They argue that this is why they should be solved. However even this way of thinking has its cons. For example America mostly thinks idealistically, but some prefer realpolitik. The issue with realpolitik is that it lacks moral thinking when it comes to solving an issue. For example North Korea is an example of being able to use both ways of thinking. An idealistic approach would mean the United states would do everything it can to protect its allies. A realpolitik approach would result in the United States encouraging China to deal with the issue themselves(Johnson