Differences Between Hamlet's Q1, Q2 and F

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Over 400 years after William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet readers and audiences all over the world are still connecting with it. Shakespeare was considered a groundbreaking pioneer in his time because his plays were totally different from anything the theater world had ever seen. Hamlet is considered by most scholars to be Shakespeare 's most famous play. Hamlet is also considered one of Shakespeare 's most famous characters. This play also contains Shakespeare 's most famous line: "To be or not to be, that is the question" (3.1.64). Despite the plays popularity, there are still many questions surrounding the authenticity of the three main versions of Hamlet. Many scholars, readers and performers question which text is the “real” Hamlet or the …show more content…

Early scholars felt it was not what Shakespeare intended. Editors at Oxford believed that since Shakespeare was active in his company, the additions to the text could be seen as deliberate revisions made by the author himself. Today, this edition is most widely consumed by readers with side citations of Q2 lines and cited omissions. Each text has its own unique characteristics and this has added to the confusion historians and scholars experience when they study these texts. I analyzed Hamlet 's soliloquy after being impressed by an actor 's performance. In this close reading, we can clearly see the textual differences between the Q1, Q2, and the F. In the Q1, Hamlet begins by saying, Why what a dunghill idiote slave am I? Why these Players here draw water from eyes: For Hecuba, why what is Hecuba to him, or he to Heccuba? What would he do and if he had my losse? His father murdered, and a Crowene bereft him, He would turne all his teares to droppes of blood, Amaze the standers by with his laments, Strike more then wonder in the iudicaiall