The Real Danger Of Dress Code Essay

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Janessa Chapman
AP Language and Composition
13 January 2023
The Real Danger of Dress Code One of the first things a student does before heading to school is get dressed. While this seems routine and obvious, the challenges depend on the gender of the student. Dress codes are one of the most controversial topics due to the unreasonable standards set explicitly against females. The intent behind dress codes are disguised with words such as ‘distraction’ and ‘protection’ so they are able to enforce prejudice rules. Evidently, as a result of objectification, dress codes have become discriminatory against women. Dress codes promote misogyny and unequal gender opportunity. In an article found in the Daily Targum, Sawant writes, “It is strange and unsettling that the dress code seems to impart garment prohibitions specific to feminine clothing and body parts” (Sawant, Rujuta). The structure of dress code supports and targets female bodies, as well as advertises for sexualization of non-intimate body parts. For instance, in a survey of 164 students at Central Kitsap High School, 79.3% of the female respondents said they have been dress coded, while only 3.9% of male students had been dress coded …show more content…

In a paper written by the University of New Richmond, the author writes “For girls, sexualization can negatively impact cognitive and physical function, mental and physical health” (Meredith Johnson Harbach). Concern over the look of young women’s bodies should not occur in a place of education. Students come to class primarily with the intent to learn, not to be sent home over the shirt they are wearing. Upper authorities creating these policies have established sex discrimination as a part of the education system, and manipulated victim blaming attitudes. Each day, a young woman may come to school with the fear of the same body parts exposed by boys being discriminated against and not