The Remorfal Murderer Sparknotes

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The Remorseful Murderer Charles was destined for fame, and success, but his tragic death didn't allow him to accomplish anything. On the evening of March 1, 1932 Betty Gow, Charles's nurse, was looking after 20-month-old Charles (Schwartz). At around 10 pm the nurse couldn’t find Charles (Schwartz). In his place was a ransom note demanding $50,000 in return for the baby (Schwartz). Lindbergh, Charles's father searched outside, but all he found was a homemade ladder, which was used to kidnap his child (Schwartz). Being as famous of a family as they were the story about the Lindbergh's spread quickly. "A 72-year-old retired teacher from the Bronx named Dr. John Condon called the Lindbergh's and claimed that he had written a letter to the Bronx Home News offering to act as an intermediary between Lindbergh and the kidnapper(s)." (Schwartz). Condon claimed that the kidnapper contacted him about Charles, and the ransom money (Schwartz). Dr. Condon delivered the ransom money with gold certificates, which were recorded by the police, to a man at St. Raymond's Cemetery, while Lindbergh waited in a nearby car (Schwartz). The kidnapper did not give Charles to Dr. Condon, but instead he gave him a note about his whereabouts. When the place in the note was searched, Charles was not found. "On May 12,1932, a …show more content…

It was found next to the window of Charles's bedroom, which he was kidnapped from (The Evidence). "Experts traced the ladder's wood through marks left by a faulty sawmill blade." (The Evidence). Some of the wood the experts traced was shipped to Queens, a lumberyard nearby Hauptman's home (The Evidence). The wood the ladder was made of had nail holes, which suggested that it was used before (The Evidence). Ultimately the ladder matched boards missing from Hauptmann's attic floorboards, which was the most valid proof that he was the person who made it