The Road Not Taken Literary Analysis Essay

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“ Two roads diverged in yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both, and be one traveler, long I stood, and looked down as far as I could.” Robert Frost. Sometimes people aren’t able to see what’s on the end of the path because of how far it is. In choosing what decision you want, you have to see what’s going to happen with negatives and positives. Even though sometimes when making a decision you do not know what you're dealing with. In “ The Road Not Taken “ Robert Frost uses symbolism to illustrate the theme of decision making.

Robert Frost showed that this person was being torn by two roads/decisions. He wanted to go both ways to discover something new and why they were different from each other but couldn’t because they’re both life decisions and you have to choose one path in life. “ Two roads diverged in yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both.” In this sentence he’s trying to say that each of the life decisions looked similar and he wanted to find out what was the pros and cons decisions that made it different but he couldn’t take them both so he had to go one way or the other. This person is trying to make decisions for where his life should be with these two roads. He can’t take two paths at once ( just like decisions ), so he has to make one decision. …show more content…

This person chose to go one route but that route changed his life to regret it. Since he saw that they both weren’t any different he ended up choosing the one that made him regret his life decision. “ I shall tell this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence. “ He‘s saying that he regrets making the decision of going that one route. He chose the route that lead him to realizing his mistake of taking this road in life, but at the same time he couldn’t tell which was which because the two roads looked similar. He chose the path that lead him to regret and he couldn't go back to change it because it was a life