The Role Of Creature In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein '

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The Creature’s Discovery of Frankenstein’s Journal.

The book Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley in 1818. In the passage on page 105, Mary Shelley presents to the creature what Victor thought about him preparatory to being created. Shelley uses the fact that Victor abandoned him, which shows how much resentment the creature has toward Victor. On page 105, Mary Shelley’s word choices trigger the neglectful emotions relating the creature to humans in the way he shows a raging emotion to Victor. This passage begins with Victor’s creation finding the journal that Victor wrote four months prior to the creation’s life. The creature compares himself to Adam, “Like Adam, I was created apparently united by no link to any other being …show more content…

In this area of the passage, the creature has no one to learn from because of how he was created. The creature was made out of limbs, that Victor collected to bring his creature to life. Before the creature discovered the papers, he compared himself to a fallen angel, Satan. The creature says, “like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose within me.” (Shelley, 105). Here, Mary Shelley uses Satan as an analogy to what the creature thinks he is from Victor’s point of view. Since the creature is left alone and with no one, he uses his knowledge to contrast himself to someone that he feels he would relate to. The creature confirms that these feelings were strengthened when he had discovered the papers. These feelings became heightened because the creature could not understand a single word that had been written. He ignored until he was able to depict the context and understand the meaning. Once he was able to understand the writing, he realized that the papers consisted of Victor’s step-by-step process of how he brought his creation to life. Teaching human qualities to himself, Shelley indicates that he does have the ability to be human; he just does not look human. The creature finds that Victor discarded him because of