The Role Of Immigrants In Kant's Intellectual Peace

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As a child I remember my parents always telling me that I have to work hard for what I want because nothing in life is free but, is this really true? To this day, I think about this all the time whether it has to do with getting good grades or a acquiring my dream job. It upsets me when people just expect everything to be handed to them. Many of these people who get away with a lot without working hard for it are illegal immigrants. These illegal immigrants don’t fill out any paperwork or anything and they expect to get everything they want. They steal jobs from countless Americans who are unemployed and are struggling and they also don’t have to pay taxes. These illegal immigrants who come into America receive free education, free health care benefits, free housing assistance and free food stamp benefits. Now here is where my …show more content…

In Immanuel Kant’s Perpetual Peace, he vocalizes that, “Hospitality there signifies solely the right every stranger has of not being treated as an enemy in the country in which he arrives. One may refuse to receive him, if it can be done without endangering his existence; but dares not act hostily towards him as long as he does not offend anyone” (558). Kant is saying that as long as people including illegal immigrants are peaceful and do not disrupt the place in which they are staying, they are more then welcome to be there. In a scholarly article written by Inés Valdez, she mentions that, “Kant makes clear that ‘no-one originally has any greater right than anyone else to occupy any particular portion of the earth’, a principle that impels individuals into social relations that ensure equal respect for equally valid claims to external freedom.” Valdez further explains Kant’s beliefs on how everyone is able to be wherever they want because they have the right to be there because they are