
The Role Of Money In The Great Gatsby

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In the Great Gatsby money keeps the relationships together despite massive problems. The characters think that money will lead them to happiness. Not in this case money led a women to get a get married to an unfaithful man or a women to cheat on husband with another man. In this time it was wrong for women to divorce their husband and it didn’t help that the woman in the book was catholic in the religion it is wrong to divorce. Tom and Daisy Tom and Daisy were the first couple to be introduced in the book. This couple was also the most messed up couple in the book, but the couple still stays together at the the end of the book. The whole problem with this couple is that Daisy married Tom for his money-- they were too young and it was a huge mistake. She actual fell in love with a guy named Gatsby before he left for war and she just couldn’t wait for him so she just had to start her life. Gatsby was a …show more content…

Gatsby and Daisy Daisy also had a relationship another man and his name was Gatsby. Gatsby and Daisy were actually in a relationship before Tom and Daisy were married. They were young and in love. They actually got split up cause Gatsby went off to war. Gatsby wanted Daisy to wait for him till he got back, but she didn't she just had to start her life. So the night before Daisy and Tom got married Gatsby wrote her a letter. She got all messed up drunk and was in the tub and got the note in the water. The next day she married Tom. The reason why she didn’t stay with gatsby is because he didn’t have money. In the book Gatsby says “Her voice is full of money.”.Pg.92 Gatsby is saying she has always been made of money. She hasn't never not had money in her life. He actual was poor at first and worked hard for his money Daisy and Tom never had

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