The Role Of Numeracy In Literature

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Many core elements of numeracy associate with others across the literature. They include using mathematical knowledge including concepts, skills and problem-solving strategies (Gieger, goos & dole). The role of numeracy technician foregrounding mathematical knowledge and understandings (Forrest). The dispositions of confidence, flexibility, adaptability, attitudes, self-perception and willingness to use these skills to engage with life related tasks, firstly as a prerequisite for all learning. (Gieger, goos & dole) (Scott)(Frankenstein). The person’s level of numeracy depends on the ability to confidently and appropriately apply mathematics through these dispositions. The use of tools including the materials and natural sciences (Gieger, goos …show more content…

Numeracy means different things to different people in relation to their interests and lifestyles so bridging the gap between school and the wider world is important (Gieger, Goos & Dole 2010). The emphasis of the numeracy participant role in Forrest’s (1997) framework is the ability to work mathematically and transfer knowledge to new situations. Young people are always just trying to make sense of their world with understanding the physical, economic and social environment in which they live (Forrest 1997; Paige, Lloyd & Chartres 2008). They draw on their own individual experiences to guide them (Scott 2000) from their past meaningful experiences and situations to the present (Forrest 1997; Geiger, Goos & Forgasz 2015; Frankenstein 2001; Gieger, Goos & Dole 2010). They are learning how to function beyond school as informed and reflective citizens to contribute to society at home, in paid work, and for participation in community and civic life (Gieger, Goos & Dole 2010; Scott 2000) and to continually develop this over a lifetime (Geiger, Goos & Forgasz 2015). They need to be educated on the skills and capabilities required to cope or deal with real siruations that may arise (Geiger, goos & forgasz)(forrest). These include their demands of work, home and life which they can use Gieger, goos & dole’s () critical orientation or Geiger, goos & forgasz’s dimensions of numeracy to apply mathematical knowledge for confidence, appreciation, significance for understanding issues, logical thinking, decision making, skilful problem solving, number sense, reasoning, or drawing on prerequisite knowledge and tools (DECD). This will give them the capacity to use the mathematical knowledge in a range of contexts, both within schools and beyond