
The Role Of The Isolation In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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Have you’ve been stuck in a small place for a long timeand wanted to get out as soon as possible? It can be unconfortable, Even painful to be stuck in a corner, or room for longer than wanted. A family was once stuck in a attic of a house for two whole years during WW2 and after the war, a diary was found explaining what it was like. Within this diary, made by Anne Frank, it will show the isolation it caused throughout her family and others, during WW2.

First off, what is isolation, as shown within Anne franks diary a massive part in her storry? Isolation is being stuck, left alone, or hiding for a very long time. Within the storry of Anne frank it shows that she is hiding in an attic for a while to hide from nazis in WW2.Isolation is being stuck, left alone, or hiding for a very long time. Within the storry of Anne frank it shows that she is hiding in an attic for a while to hide from nazis in WW2. Most of the isolation shows mostly throughout the entire story, as shown with a text from the diary itself says “Father, Mother …show more content…

It made her trapped feel unconfortable to be hiding from something she knows if they find her, shes doomed. Being in isolation from her friends and family makes her befreind inanitmate objects, lose her mind, and think of ways to entertain herself. This is easily shown throughout Anne frank’s diary as this line says “I am surrounded by too great a void.” Even though it isn’t much it shows us she is trapped for a long time to see that she doesn’t have much and is said, is surrounded by too great a void. This proves what is said in the intro because I’ve stated what isolation has done to Anne frank.

Inside the diary of Anne frank, it shows how it is, hidding in a small place for a long time. As shown, I have given a description of what isolation can be and what it was like to be put through it. I recommend giving Anne frank’s diary a try, as it can teach many people what its like to be

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