The Role Of The Transportation Revolution In The United States

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The Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century was a pivotal moment in the history of the United States that ushered in a new era of American economical, societal and technological growth. The Industrial Revolution changed the economy and society of the United States by introducing a market revolution which caused a huge shift in labor and commerece, introducing a transportation revolution which transformed how people and goods were transported across the United States and changing societal norms relating to class and gender such as the roles of women in the workforce. This new era of American growth helped change and shape the way Americans traveled, worked and lived their daily lives as we know it today. Before the Transportation …show more content…

Francis Trollope, an English traveler, traveled on the federally funded road in 1829 and was absolutely delighted with how comfortable and smooth it was. “The road was smooth and her journey across the Alleghenies was a scenic delight”(TAY 8.2). The well-reception of the National Road led to even more improved road networks and they incorporated even greater improvements in the ways people and goods moved across the U.S. (TAY 8.2). Along with these mechanized roads, canals started popping up as well. Canals opened up even more possibilities for the transportation of people and goods. For example, If an animal can pull 2 tons on a road, it is able to pull 50 tons in a canal. The most important canal was the Erie Canal, created in 1825 by New York State, The 350-mile-long human-made waterway linked the Great Lakes with the Hudson River and the Atlantic Ocean (TAY 8.2). The Erie Canal made it easy to transport goods from and to the Midwestern states and eastern states. The success of this artificial waterway transpired into more canals popping up across the country. Steamboats were another beneficiary from the transportation revolution. Steamboats made transportation of goods down …show more content…

It introduced a transportation revolution which transformed how people and goods were transported across the United States which also created new towns and opportunities. It introduced a market revolution which caused a huge economical spur that created a shift in labor and commerce. The revolution also helped set the beginning stages of gender equality by introducing more women into the workforce. The revolution helped shape the United States into a economical, societal and technological powerhouse and the lasting impact it has had on society can be still felt today as it is a reminder of the American idea of the constant ongoing pursuit of improvement and