The Root Cause Of The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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Despite having been bitter enemies for many generations, the Montagues and the Capulets yesterday were reconciled by the Prince of Verona in sorrow and remorse after the devastating deaths of three people who were their family members in the Capulet vault. A sixteen year-old Montague, Romeo and his thirteen year-old wife, Juliet, who was the only child of lord and lady Capulet, were found dead last night in the tomb along with the body of Prince Escalus’s cousin, Count Paris. “I will be brief to talk about the whole story and the root cause of this tragedy. Romeo, there dead, was husband to that Juliet. I had secretly married them before Juliet was forced to marry Count Paris. Juliet had begged me to help her escape from the second marriage; therefore, I had given her a bottle of potion which could make her sink into a deathlike sleep for forty two hours, ˮ said Friar Lawrence, a local priest of Verona, who witnessed the tragedy. …show more content…

According to local police’s forensic testing, Romeo had killed Paris in a duel before he committed suicide by swallowing poison, and Juliet, who had pretended to be dead, stabbed herself right in the chest with Romeo’s dagger immediately right after realizing that her husband died. “I mistakenly told Romeo that his wife was dead,” said Balthasar, Romeo’s servant. “He then set off at once for Juliet’s tomb with a bottle of poison he bought from a local apothecary in Mantua, the city where Romeo was exiled.