The Similarities And Differences Between Hitler And The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was a time period when the nazis killed jews just because they could. Holocaust is a word of greek origin meaning “sacrifice by fire.” The Nazis who came to power in Germany in January 1933 didn’t like the germans they believed that germans were “racially superior.”Within the 15,000 camps located all across Germany, 11 million jewish people were murdered. This was one of the lowest points in our history that would later be called the holocaust.

What was the Holocaust?
The Holocaust was an event in the 20th century.It developed slowly between 1933 and 1945. It began with prejudice; then they separated Jews from their communities and victimized; and finally they were treated as less than human beings they were murdered.

The killings took place in Europe in 1933 and 1045. They were organised by …show more content…

The Germans had a holocaust of there own that killed more than a million civilians , who were mostly women and children. Most of the night bombings hit no factories nor anything related to the war, they simply destroyed countless homes, many in country villages.Not all Germans were brainwashed just like not all Americans were brainwashed. Many of the germans early on tried to even kill Hitler, there were literally dozens of attempts to get rid of him. Of course, many more believed what Hitler told them. A good amount of Germans, however, just “sat on the fence” hoping it would all be over soon.

Germany had a different opinion on Hitler then everyone else. Germany thought Hitler was a good guy, they supported his choices not everyone in Germany liked Hitler. Germany was desperate they needed a leader after they had lost World War 1 and they thought Hitler would be the perfect leader. Most people didn't like Germans because they supported Hitler and people didn't agree with what they did. Now Germans feel guilty for what they did, they don't like to talk about what happened during the