The Similarities And Differences Between The American Revolution And The Patriot Movement

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The American Revolution was the cause of the early colonies being governed by the British parliament and their laws. Many of them felt oppressed and did not like how they were continually being taxed and their trade being controlled. The patriot movement was an effort to protest Britain’s role and to get more freedom for the colonists and the revolutionary was what came out of the patriot movement. The upper class mobilized all classes of people to protest and fight for their rights. The Revolution was about the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. After the war the colonies were no longer ruled by the law of England and they had their independent but coming up with a working and aggrable government was proving to be dificult. Also, it seemed that only some of American people benefited from the American Revolution. For slaves during this time the fight for freedom was very different for them than it was for continental soldiers. For slave their loyalty to Britain in the war might mean freedom to them. Because during the war any slave who left their master to fight for British would be free so many left their master to join the British. Many …show more content…

Also, the sructure of the new government after the independance did not come easy. Because they did not want to set up the same government system as the British the Americans had to come up with a way to structurized their gocernmeny so that it has enough power to make decisions that will impact all of the colonies without holding so much power that the people would be frustrated like under Great Britian’s rule. They needed to set up a government that was effective and capable of handling the challenges that they will face as a new