The Sniper Symbolism

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The sniper essay analysis

Liam O’Flahetry’s short story “The Sniper” is a mysterious and plot twisting story

about a young sniper whose name is unknown who is in a civil war in Ireland. In this

story, the young man was trying to kill another man but unknowingly shot his brother

dead. It is a great short story written in only 3 pages which shows O'Flaherty's

distinctive style in writing. Author Mary Rival once wrote, “In order to deem a story as

great, it must engage the reader, use language purposefully, and encourage the reader

to learn something about himself or his world in the process.”

“The Sniper” engages the reader because ; O'Flaherty changes the mood of the …show more content…

But in that case the sniper

goes over to see the person who he had shot. And surely enough it was someone that

is very close to him, it was his own brother…

“The Sniper” uses language purposefully because ; First, at the beginning of the

story, the author uses the words “fleecy” to describe the clouds. We also know that the

sun was setting at the time because of the quote : “The long June twilight faded into

night.”(1) Usually when the sun sets there are beautiful fleecy clouds but in this case,

right after the author says it, there is the violence of the war that starts which takes a

huge mood and plot change in the story. Second, “The Sniper” uses the words “heavy”

and “roared” to describe how loud the guns are. By the word “heavy” O'Flaherty

probably means that the guns were very powerful and dangerous. Now, for the word

roar, the guns don’t literally roar; he means it as a comparison. He is comparing it to the

loud sounding roar of the lion since the guns were very loud.

“The Sniper” encourages the reader to learn something new about themselves