A Diligent Philosopher: The Socratic Method

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The Socratic Method has been broadly used for thousands of years. This method was brought to life by a diligent Philosopher named Socrates. He used his method to refute and try to show an imbalance in certain moral beliefs that people held. While this method is beneficial in a one on one setting, the structure and dynamics behind it would not have much of an effect on larger groups such as in a classrooms perspective. Though Socrates method can be very useful in certain environments, there still seems to be some slight contentious problems to when, and how this method is used. While Socrates practiced his intriguing method, he held a very impartial standpoint when it came to talking to his subjects. According to Socrates, this unbiased standpoint that he held is considered to be …show more content…

(Ambury, p.6). Socrates used this specific type of ignorance possibly to show that he was not judging or voicing his own opinion when conversing with others. With that, Socrates claimed that this ignorance he had, is that he recognized his own absence of knowledge (Ambury, p.8). One can assume that with his ability to acknowledge the state of knowing nothing, Socrates never would try to tell what was right or wrong with the moral beliefs that people had. His ignorance was very helpful, giving him an immense advantage when paired with the Socratic method. With the Socratic method being a philosophical question and answer form of style, the ignorance Socrates perceived to have helped him to avoid any strife that his subjects could possibly give to him. Given that Socrates gave none of his subjects any