The Sports Exchange Marketing Strategy

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Question #1: Develop a brief marketing plan for the event of your choice. Make sure to identify the competitive advantages, target market(s), strategies, tactics, budgets, schedule, and evaluation methodologies. Describe how you will increase your marketing performance through creative and innovative tactics. Executive summary: The Sports Exchange will be a sports conference for the local charlotte youth basketball coaches. The purpose of the Sports exchange is to provide a platform for the coaches to share, develop, and construct the rules that will govern the amateur basketball leagues in the greater Charlotte region. The Sports Exchange will be held on the campus of Johnston YMCA, which has the required classrooms, gymnasium, and office …show more content…

The conference will provide a wide range of activities throughout the two y event, which include: live seminars, coaching forums, rule implementation task force, and guest speakers. The exposure to the previously mentioned conference features will allow the event to be marketed as the only conference within driving distance for the participating youth coaches can afford to attend without having to travel outside the Charlotte …show more content…

Congress in 2002 to protect investors from the possibility of fraudulent accounting activities by corporations (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 2003, para.1). The Sarbanes-Oxley act was intended to stop a recurrences of the financial fraud that took place within the market around the years of 2000-2001. The legislation has had a great effect on the way business operate within the various industries. However, the law was not intended for corporations, so the event planning company does not fall under the particular reforms. The company will not be trading on the stock market, but the law did reduce the amount of fraudulent disclosures being submitted by corporations. The event company is privately owned and operated, so benefits of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation will only benefits the market. The event was a seafood festival, so the companies that will provide seafood may be publicly traded. As a result, the event planners are carefully going to review the available information for each company. “Markets have been able to use the information to assess companies more effectively, managers have improved internal processes, and the internal control testing has become more cost-effective over time,” according to Srinivasan” (The Costs and Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley, 2014,