The Stereotypes Of Patriarchy And Oppression Of Women

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“Patriarchy has no gender.” (Hooks, 2005). This quote controversially suggests that a system of male oppression is somehow unrelated to the broad concept of gender. Similarly, my investigation is exploring the reasons why women submit to behaviors and ideas that run totally counter to their ultimate wellbeing and success in life.
As prominent columnist Yasmin Alibhai- Brown said, ‘’women collude with sexism,

sometimes for self-promotion, sometimes because they can’t fight the cultural pressures

and imperatives of modernity.’’ (Alibhai-Brown, 2013). Initially, what this is stating is that

women are being complicit to the culture pressure that is exposed to them. They aren’t

able to fight it. The post 50 shades of Grey debate centered …show more content…

It creates a cultural pressure to become like the young women on TV. As it is seen as
‘normal’. Having women represented like the stereotype of being a sexual object makes believe it is how you should be.
Evidently, why women are follow the patriarchal definitions of gender could be because the patriarchal control that media institutions have. Statistics shows that, ‘’The lack of women in the media is paralleled by the scarcity of women in charge of media. Only about 5% of television writers, executives, and producers are women’’. This could answer why men have power because they dominant the media institutions. As a consequence, male ideologies will represent how women should be portrayed and what their role is. Having such a male dominance especially through media, it creates a sense of empowerment for men over women. This can be supported by evidence from another statistic showing that, ‘’By a nearly 3 to 1 margin, male front-page bylines at top newspapers outnumbered female bylines in coverage of the 2012 presidential election. Men were also far more likely to be quoted than women in newspapers, television and public