
The Stolen Party Essay

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Liliana Heker is the author of the short story “The Stolen Party”. While reading this story through a Marxist lens, it shows the reader a prime example of how people will treat others differently based on their social class. Instead of getting to know a person and learning about their personality, people will separate themselves from others who make more or less money than them. In the beginning of the short story, Rosaura, the main character, gets into an argument with her mother about going to her friend Luciana’s party. Rosaura's mother was the first person to explain to Rosaura that social classes equal separation. "Ah yes, your friend," her mother grumbled. She paused. "Listen, Rosaura," she said at last. "That one’s not your …show more content…

You know what you are to them? The maid’s daughter, that’s what” (Heker pg.1) This really upsets Rosaura because she doesn’t believe that money should be what disconnects people. After lots of arguing with her mother, she ends up getting to go to the party anyway. The day of the party comes and Rosaura is extremely cheerful. She arrives at the party and meets Luciana's cousin. Luciana's cousin is skeptical about Rosaura being at the party because she doesn’t know who Rosaura is. Rosaura tells her that they always hangout and do their homework together, but this means nothing to Luciana's cousin."No," said the girl with the bow, "you are not a friend of Luciana because I'm her cousin and I know all her friends. And I don't know you" (Heker pg.2).This shows the reader that it is likely Luciana doesn’t consider Rosaura as a true friend, since she only comes over to her house to play while her mother cleans. This is another example of how Rosaura is treated based on her social status. As the party ends, Luciana's friends begin to leave. Luciana gave all of her

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