The TTAP: Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming Method

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Art Within Us
“The task of therapy is not to eliminate suffering but to give a voice to it, to find a form in which it can be expressed. Expression is itself transformation; this is the message that art brings. The therapist then would be an artist of the soul, working with sufferers to enable them to find the proper container for their pain, the form in which it would be embodied”(Stephen K. Levine) Art Therapy? A form of psychotherapy using the arts to improve one’s physical, and mental being. Art therapy helps people of all age groups, from young children and teenagers, to the elderly(Tartakovsky, par.1). Currently many people heavily rely on medicines to help the mentally ill. However, art therapy is available as a non-medical, …show more content…

Created by Dr.Linda Levine Madori, who a studied the relationship between art and aging. The TTAP method is a group situation.The method will prove that programming a person's long term memory will stimulate the brain to keep them in a state of Alzheimer's longer. Neuroplasticity is when the brain is either stimulated by language, environment, education, or music. When stimulated dendrites [branches from the body of the neuron] make more dendrites, it creates mass and density in our brains (Madori Levine Linda). The hippocampus is responsible for taking short term memory and making long term memory. The first effects of the disease appear here. It is also the area with most neuroplasticity. It is better to do in a non pharmaceutical way that does not cost much. The brain is a muscle which means it has muscle memory. It grows and it will shrink if not used “The TAPP method encourages the concept of using your brain and not losing your brain”( Madori Levine Linda). According to Dr. Levine. “Cognition in the brain is like a college campus. There are pathways in concrete from building to building. As we get older, better to walk across the grass find a new way home do things differently”(Madori Levine Linda).So in other words just began to do things differently. Doing this will increase cognitive functions in the brain. For example, use left hand instead of a right hand for simple tasks. The TAPP method creates opportunities to revisit and relearn through the group experience. Having to be in a class open, exposed to others experiences helps one a person's mindset. This is why the group method is effective it gets people to reveal

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