Meditative Dream Re-Entry: Two Components Of The MDR Process

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When it comes to dreams, there are various methods of obtaining discovery and insight. One unique method of dream discovery is Meditative Dream Re-entry (MDR), which unlike other discovery methods contributes to the process of discovery through deeper personal connections and the ability to shift emotions or moods (DeCicco, 2009). This method allows participants to access the psyche through guided meditation to allow the dream to be viewed without conscious obstruction. This form of dream discovery results in the participants gaining the knowledge of inner thoughts, feelings and behaviours exhibited in the dream and how these images aids in real life. Meditative Dream Re-entry is an effective measure to become fully conscious of one’s dreams and waking life. In this essay I will be examining two components of the MDR process: meditation and art therapy. Looking specifically at the health benefits of each and how these benefits applied to MDR provide a therapeutic method in clinical practice.
To begin, the first component of the MDR process is meditation …show more content…

They specifically wanted to determine if mindfulness programs like meditation could assist in reducing anxiety in individuals with aphasia. Participants underwent a 4 week one on one mindfulness program and completed three intervals of testing; one prior to intervention and two following the mindfulness intervention. Results showed that there indeed was a connection between completing the mindfulness program and a reduction in anxiety. Participants scored significantly lower on the Beck Anxiety Inventory after the intervention had finished, as well participants showed improved language scores. Again, showcasing the significance of meditation on health benefits and the improvement it provides on participants