The Targeting Of Young Adults In The Hunger Games

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As budgets for major Hollywood releases continue to climb, the importance of promotion and distribution grows. Opening weekends are crucial, as this is the most crucial time for box office. Therefore, traditional methods of blockbuster film promotion are now being innovated upon, especially so with younger audiences. The study of the film franchise, The Hunger Games, (Lionsgate Films, 2012, USA), has shown the targeting of young adults is achieved through promotional campaigns. As teenagers grow older, they develop with interests towards factors such as the appreciation of aesthetic appeal, and creativity. It is necessary then, that the film institutions themselves must grow in the same way in order to remain engaged with their audience, however they should bear in mind that the sudden rise of artistic appreciation within these young adults may just be another ‘trend’. Tumblr, owned by Yahoo is a very popular website for this age demographic in which people are able to blog about anything they’d like to. Being a …show more content…

It is evident, that the Mockingjay (Lionsgate Films, 2014, USA) film posters have evolved from their customary designs, for a number of reasons. The first, is to give the films a sense of importance, as it is the finale of this hugely successful franchise. It is so that institutions can please the young adults with their developing interest towards the arts so they can maintain audience investment to gain profit. For example, the first core poster features a close up of the Hunger Games heroine posing with her bow, however it is shrouded with a fiery effect. Readers are immediately able to recognise this as Katniss, the protagonist of the novels. Even those who have not read the books can identify this character as the heroine. The sell-line claims 'The World Will Be Watching,' which is typical when attempting to gather a global audience, which these films have managed to