The Teacher Writing Guide For Sentence Fluency By Spandel

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Sentence fluency is an important step in a writer’s progression of learning. Sentence fluency helps the author communicate clearly and find out what the writer is thinking. As students begin working with sentence fluency it can prove to be a difficult process, however, Spandel, has created writing guides and a continuum to give teachers a tool to assess students sentence fluency and ensure they are on the right track. The first writing guide is described by Spandel as a basic guide that is only looking for the basic features of sentence fluency. The Teacher Writing Guide for Sentence Fluency is used with students who are in 3rd grade and up. Spandel (2012) offers advice for using this guide, “Let your ears guide you; if the text sounds smooth …show more content…

I teach science and social studies and my students are writing in my classroom consistently. I get frustrated because my students do not treat my classroom like their ELA class, and they think they don’t need correct grammar and punctuation in their writing in my class. When it comes to conventions one of my biggest pet peeves is students not utilizing capitalization and punctuation in their writing. When grading my students writing I definitely find myself getting frustrated when they aren’t using their skills that I know they use in other classes. I think that sometimes I get frustrated, but I don’t take it out on them with their grades. I do however tend to write feedback on their writing, and I believe that is where I let out my frustrations. I think that can cause students to shut down and stunt their growth as a writer. Spandel offered a suggestion for how to take a more positive view and let the students know what they are doing well. Spandel (2012) stated, “We’ll get farther faster celebrating where young editors are and what they can do” (Spandel, p. 251). Instead of writing frustrated comments to my students like, “You are lacking in punctuation in your writing, you need to ensure you are utilizing periods in your writing. Instead I can try writing statements like, “Try using a period when you want to show me where to stop reading your