The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model

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The dynamic changes that continue to impact the modern business environment, ranging from well-informed customers and rapid technological advances to increased competition and complicated by factors like increased globalization, is undeniable. As such, the survival and success of companies have become more challenging despite affirmation that these changes are also accompanied by various opportunities; in an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment (Zdanyte & Neverauskas, 2014). Nonetheless, the success of a business continues to be achieved through a variety of factors including leveraging firm resources especially the human resource department, funds and technology as well as managerial practices, which are defined by elements …show more content…

McKenzie (2002), affirms negative outcomes that accompany conflicts in the workplace including high turnover rates and reduced staff morale, which culminate into low productivity. Essentially, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model identifies five conflict resolution styles including the accommodative, avoiding, competing, compromising and collaborating styles, based on levels of assertiveness and cooperativeness. According to Kilmann & Thomas (1975), the collaborative approach is the best; defined by high levels of cooperation and assertiveness that stresses consideration of viewpoints, importance and needs of all parties for the best solutions. As such, Mr. Jarvis’ style would fail to appropriately deal with conflict and hence positive business outcomes as employee cooperation would be forced, assertiveness low and general lack of regard for employee input would allow conflicts to fester. On the other hand, Mr. Lancaster’s style conforms to a collaborative conflict resolution style where the leader or manager encourages employees to air their views, which would ensure that conflicts are handled in an appropriate fashion (Mullins, 2013). Additionally, Mr. Lancaster’s consultative, approachable and easy- going attitude, which often results in staff being uninhibited in the questions, queries and ideas that are forwarded to senior management, not only allows development of new and vital ideas but also enhances the manager’s