The Two Bees: A Narrative Fiction

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As Dena walked to her birthing den she felt a slight pain in her belly. She went past some trees and hopped over logs. Her kits wouldl come soon. They were a late litter, so she knew one or more of her kits would have a defect. In front of her was her den. She went as far down as she could. She laid down a took a breath of cold air before her kits would come.
When she finished licking her second kit, she looked at the first one born. She noticed that her daughter had a full moon print on her front right paw pad. “Your name is Nadie.” Dena said. “You will give us wisdom, I hope.” “And you my dear, your name is Numees.” Dena looked at her two kits. Usually the mother knows everything about her kits, but not Nadie. There was something different. …show more content…

He was in the same cage as me when I went to the humans.”
Nootua was running around us now. He stopped. A burst of snow came when it was the middle of summer. Everyone stopped and looked up. Then lightning came and struck the ground by Nootua. He was not afraid of it. I started to make a circle on the ground with my paw that had the moon on it. Then I layed down and rolled around on the circle. A tree fell down in front of us. It made some of the foxes back up. I stood up and leaped in the air. I was flying. I clapped my paws together and a huge gust of wind blew them in the air. They fell hard on the ground.
“Nootua, why did you never tell me you had powers? If you had them why didn’t you use them to get out?”
“I had a family, a sister. She died though. The humans killed her, just before you came. I was going to tell you but I didn’t have the chance, remember?”
“Yes, I do.”
Father looked at me. He got up. He lunged for me but I ducked. He kept going and grabbed Nootua instead. Father brought him to the cage and threw him in there.
“No!” I screamed.
“Do you want to go in there too?” My father asked.
“I will if you let my family go.” I made a whiny face not like it would work.
“No Nadie.” They all screamed at