
The Walking Dead Man Character Analysis

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Evil is timeless. It feasts on four year olds and forty-four year olds. It comes in the forms of greed, sloth, gluttony, lust, wrath, envy and pride. Though, no matter which inculcates itself in the mind of a human being it is always fueled by a lack of understanding and the absence of a greater appreciation for oneself, for the world and the other lifeforms in it. One of the most notable presentations of evil in all of human history lies within the workings of a single German man, Adolf Hitler. Under his reign, Germany was the cornerstone to the most atrocious, if not one of the worst genocides in all of time. The Holocaust during World War 2 was the deliberate and monstrous massacre of the minority groups in Europe (most notably those …show more content…

The weapon of choice for the most gruesome, cruel man ever encountered by the characters of the Walking Dead. Well known for bashing heads in with his bat ‘Lucille’, which is named after his dead wife, Negan is the head of the largest group of survivors in the show and comics. He is not only incredibly brutal, but also very charismatic and manipulative. The approximately fifty old man uses his power over the people to acquire six wives and dominate several other groups of survivors (whom he uses for their resources). To become as powerful as Negan, requires shear genius. Not in a traditional sense, but the most extraordinarily in depth, knowledge and brilliant understanding of people and society. Negan knows how to play with people. He knows which way to act to get a desired reaction out of others and get them to do what he wants. To hold power over the people, he mutilates their families, forcing them to watch and then uses their fear of him as a weapon. When Negan goes to take the Alexandrian stuff he is confronted angrily by Carl, one of the main characters. Paraphrasing the episode, “Sing Me a Song”, Carl sees that Negan’s men are taking more supplies than they were supposed to and tells him that they were only supposed to take half of their stuff. Negan retorts by stating that he can take whatever he wants. (Kang and Reed). Negan then continues to take more and more of their supplies without opposition. Negan uses the fear of …show more content…

Because the main characters’ bodies have developed an immunity to the harmful after effects of the radioactive elements they can survive on planet earth. Another group of survivors, The Mountain Men, were never exposed to the high levels of radioactivity due to the fact that they survived under ground. Upon the knowledge of the Skaikru’s existence the Mountain Men kidnapped them all, holding them hostage underground. The Mountain Men realized that if they could extract the bone marrow of the Skaikru’s and surgically put it in their own, that they would be able to go outside. With this knowledge they took their bone marrow without their consent. They removed it through an agonizing surgery without any proper medical care. As the procedure killed them, the Mountain Men disposed of their bodies to be eaten by cannibals. The Mountain Men treated the Skaikru like animals and murdered them using dangerous and extremely painful medical procedures. This is similar to the way Hitler treated the Jews, he didn’t value their lives. He, like the Mountain Men, viewed the Jews as animals and treated them that way. As a Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel describes, “They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load--little children. Babies!” (Wiesel, 30). Hitler had

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