Paley's Four Arguments For The Existence Of God

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Introduction Many arguments or testimonies for the Existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, and other thinkers. These arguments have an epistemological dimension and an ontological dimension. The watchmaker argument states that we know life must have been created as it is complex, just as a watch is complex, it draws that watches are created by intelligent life, so, therefore, life must have created by an intelligent being. This argument has many flaws, many questions still yet to have a sound answer, the soundness of this argument, or better fit, analogy, will be discussed throughout this essay. This writing will start by outlining in the first part the origin of the theory/analogy, the in the second part the flaws surrounding the theory, then finally in the third part, the contradictions with other theories such as the one proposed by Charles Darwin. …show more content…

This analogy originated when William came across a watch during a stroll. He wondered how this watch came to be. He applied the knowledge that if a watch has a watchmaker, then would the universe also not have a universe maker, a God as such. From this argument, Paley constructs his four arguments for the existence of a