The Weeping Prophet Jeremiah Research Paper

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Jeremiah was the son of Hilkiah. He was born around 650-645 BC in Anathoth. Although Jeremiah thought he was to young when God called on him, he was one of Judah’s greatest prophets. He was known as , “The Weeping Prophet”. He began his ministry in 626 BC and prophesied until Judah’s last days as a nation. He served as God’s prophet through the rule of five kings of Judah. Jeremiah devoted himself to preach “the words of the covenant” to the people of Jerusalem and Judah. God told him to announce the invasion of the north. God’s people broke the convenant with God by worshipping false gods. Jeremiah expose the peoples’ sin and told them the judgment that was coming because of their sin. Jeremiah’s closest companion was his faithful secretary,