
Theme Of Communication In Romeo And Juliet

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Communication: The Secret to Healthy Relationships “Communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life.” This quote from Tony Gaskin, a 38 year-old motivational speaker and life coach uses a lot of his research regarding relationships. However, Tony Gaskin is not the first person to think this. Around 407 years earlier lived the great William Shakespeare. He used his play Romeo and Juliet to express the theme that communication is vital to success. First and foremost, Romeo and Juliet make the ultimate decision to not communicate to others of their marriage. This is their first mistake. Romeo and Juliet acquire cousin-in-laws, father-in-laws, and mother-in-laws unbeknownst to their families. This causes a great deal of violence between the ignorant Tybalt and Romeo. Before the fight, Romeo tells Tybalt “Villain am I none. Therefore farewell; I see thou knowest me not” (3.1.63-63). Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt because he is family; however, Tybalt purposely wants to fight Romeo because he believes that they are not family. Furthermore, Lord Capulet arranges a marriage between Paris and Juliet because he does not know of Juliet’s marriage to Romeo. Capulet is confused as he questions his …show more content…

At the end of Romeo and Juliet, once Friar Laurence and Balthasar tell the whole story, Shakespeare shows the audience what could have happened if Romeo and Juliet had expressed their marriage to Lord Montague and Lord Capulet. Importantly, Lord Capulet says “O brother Montague, give me thy hand” (5.3.296). Lord Capulet recognizes Romeo and Juliet’s marriage as he calls Lord Montague his brother. Not only does Lord Capulet approve of the marriage, Lord Montague does too. This is apparent when he says “there shall no figure at such rate be set as that of true and faithful Juliet” (5.3.301-302). They even tell each other that they will construct a statue made of pure gold for the other’s

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