
Theme Of For The Snake Of Power

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“For the Snake of Power” by Brenda Cooper and Greta Thunberg’s speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit, both address the theme; people with powerful authority have a strong responsibility and influence which affects a lot of people. Both texts address this theme in different ways. For instance, in “For the Snake of Power” text it’s observed that poor people in Phoenix die in the regular heat waves because the government is selling their solar power to other cities.” It is clear from the quotation “the governor sold our power. Did you know that?” This demonstrates how people with authority commit things in their favor that affect poor people in Phoenix. Similarly, in Greta Thunberg’s speech, she says, “People are suffering. People are dying. …show more content…

For example, in “For the Snake of Power” it’s illustrated in the text, “Rosa wasn’t ready to give up. “Who can change it?” as well as, Callie frowned. “That’s way upstream. There’s nothing we can do.” Also, “Every little thing she did to help fix the snake felt like pulling a single needle out of a ball of cactus.” This reveals that regardless of her friend's doubts, Rosa never abandoned her efforts to rescue the town and the people she belongs with. Rosa persevered through the suffering and gave it everything she had.. In the same way, in Greta Thunberg’s speech, she states, "We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.” This statement makes it apparent that Thunberg is striving to change the world, despite the fact that world leaders are neglecting her. She declares that she won't allow them to get away with it and that she will bring about a certain change. As has been described, we can comprehend how the theme is present in Cooper's fictional text and Thunberg's famous …show more content…

Climate Action Summit, examine figurative language in the texts. The use of figurative language in Brenda Cooper’s “ For the Snake of Power” enhances the text. The figurative language makes the text descriptive; the author uses figurative language techniques such as a simile we can this when the text states “Rosa sat down and began turning up her systems. Scorching like the innermost flames of an open fire.” This displays how the systems are heated to the point of being like an open fire, and it also highlights how intriguing the story is becoming. As well, “Every little thing she did to help fix the snake felt like pulling a single needle out of a ball of cactus.” This represents the amount of effort she’s putting into helping is a lot although the results are grim. Cooper also utilizes the allegory in the text as shown, “She ran into Callie on the way out of the door. “This is still wrong,” she told her. “Three people died already. Old people. In one day of brownouts. It will get worse.” This captures the hidden message that Cooper was trying to convey which is, never give up on the people you love most and the place you cherish, and keep trying till you find a solution. Correspondingly, in Greta Thunberg’s speech, she makes use of literary devices such as repetition. By repeating the phrase “How dare you” by which she could emphasize her reasoning, It was aimed at criticizing

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