
Theme Of Loss In Hamlet

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Grief is an emotion that we all have which is a very complex and often misunderstood. Each individual has their own rhythm of suffering, often stemmed from the loss of a loved one. Although every person combats loss differently, the person will advance through the five stages of grief. This is the framework that makes people better equipped to cope with life and loss. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, both protagonists exhibit these stages from the anguish they experience due to their father’s death. However, each protagonist undergoes these stages differently and as they each experience it at their own pace. Throughout the novel and the play, the author plots …show more content…

During Oskar expedition across the five boroughs of New York, he encounters a man named Aaron Black, who ignored Oskar’s reasons for the journey. After his encounter, in a fit of rage, he mentions he “wanted to give [himself] bruises” (125). After his searching for the mystery lock for so long, Oskar feels defeated and seen how hopeless of his expedition was. Oskar often buries his pain and sadness underneath rather than expressing his emotion openly. The results bring in waves of disappointment that crush Oskar emotion and reveal only his hidden depression within. Another example of Oskar suppressing his emotion is his encounter with Dr. Fein. In the attempt to break through Oskar conscious mind, Dr. Fein tries to play a game of rapid-fire word association with Oskar in order to reach his buried consciousness. Oskar is not amused by Dr. Fein’s attempts, nevertheless, he gets through to Oskar and exposes his inner depressive state. “I’m gonna bury my feelings deep inside me” he continues, “If I have to bleed, I’ll bruise” (274). At this moment, Oskar feels the pain that he’s been holding back bubbling to the surface. The emotional pain Oskar feels is so immense to the point he would resort to causing himself the physical pain in order to …show more content…

Anger is a normal part of grief; it is human to be angry, and underneath the anger is just pain, hurt, and loneliness. In the play Hamlet, the protagonist is furious at the people that laugh and celebrate just after the king’s death, as Hamlet has not gotten over his father’s death. He is also very angry at his mother’s decision to marry Hamlet’s uncle so quickly after her husband’s passing. In Gertrude’s chambers, Hamlet tells her, “Mother, you have my father much offended / A bloody deed? Almost as bad, good mother, As kill a king and marry with his brother” (3.4.11-30). Hamlet is so angry at his mother, that for a brief moment he imagines life without her. He cannot comprehend his mother’s decision to marry the man that murders his father. Additionally, Hamlet’s anger also comes from his loss of judgment which clouded his mind from reality and truth. Due to his clouded mind, Hamlet acts rashly and resort to violent for answers. Gertrude describes Hamlet

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