Theme Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” Christina Lous Lange. Black Mirror is a show that focuses on technology and how it can lead to bad things. Fahrenheit 451 is a book about censorship and how the technology in the book may also cause bad things to happen. In both Fahrenheit 451 and Black Mirror, characters must be constantly plugged into technology in order to function. Firstly, in Fahrenheit 451 the characters are constantly plugged into technology in order to function. Mildred is one of those characters that needs to always be on technology. She has a wall-sized TV in her house. She spends all day “watching” the TV. The owners of the TV get scripts so they can act alongside the people on the TV. Instead of going to work or being with friends, Mildred is acting with her TV. Her obsession gets to a point where she believes that the people on the screen on her real-life family. She cannot go one day without being with her so-called “family”. She does not talk to her husband Montag. When she is not using the TV she has headphones in and is in a depressed mood. Her mood when she is not using the TV shows how she needs the …show more content…

In Black Mirror’s society, there is a number ranking. People’s living conditions and jobs are based on what number they are. For example, a 4.6 has a more wealthy way of living while a 3.5 or lower have an average way of living. In the episode Nosedive, Lacie is obsessed with getting to a 4.6. There is a house that she wants but she must reach 4.6 status to get it. Lacie is always on her phone and other devices to help gain the status. When one thing bad happened, a domino effect happened and everything went downhill. Lacie was not plugged into technology for a while and she did not function like a normal person. The way Lacie acts without her technology shows how she cannot function if she is not plugged into