Theme Of The Martian Chronicles

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‘Man Vs Nature’ is a theme displayed in both the novel “The Martian Chronicles”, and the film Avatar. In ‘The Martian Chronicles’ Mars is being inhabited by humans, and converting into a second Earth. This theme is similarly represented in the ‘Avatar’ film. Filmaker James Cameron displays humans assuming they are entitled to do whatever they wish on the planet Pandora. Both Bradbury and Cameron present the common theme, Man vs Nature, and the effects of it. Earlier chapters of ‘The Martian Chronicles’ showed the advancement of Earthmen continuously attempting to settle Mars. Incipiently, many end up demented and stay on Mars for the remainder of their lives, as they are killed or manipulated by the Martians. The Martians knew the Earth men did not have the same ideals as them, therefore warding them away from colonizing Tyrr (Mars). After numerous failed voyages, the Martians stopping them died of chickenpox.
Finally, the earthmen had succeeded in the voyage, and began to settle Mars. With them they brought their wrongdoing, beliefs, and lack of respect for nature. The earth men had succeeded in their settlement. That was until the atomic war began on Earth. Mars was left deserted, people going home to their families. Decades later the last family arrived on Mars. …show more content…

In Pandora there is a sacred tree, Omatikaya hometree, which covers a valuable material, Unobtanium. However, an obstacle temporarily stops them. The tree is the home of the Na’vi people. They gave Dr. Grace Augustine, who wanted to communicate with the Avatar, rather than take over by force, a certain amount of time to do so. Once they were finally getting close to making peace with the Na’vi species, there was a sudden attack. They had begun to demolish the tree, and the Na’vi had to quickly evacuate. The destruction of the homtree represents the effect humankind