Theodore Roosevelt: Progressive President

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The “Trust-Busting” Progressive President In the late 19th century, the idea of progressivism began to emerge from rapid industrialization and urbanization. Muckrakers and other progressive citizens created a hunger for truth after exposing scandals and corruption within healthcare, politics, and businesses. The people of this era responded to the economic, social, and political problems that arose. Progressive presidents were elected to office to create change in America. None of those presidents, however, were nearly as progressive as Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt’s personal life shaped him into the progressive president he was. His childhood illnesses were thought to give him a life expectancy of five years, but after extensive physical training, Roosevelt was more than healthy (Theodore Roosevelt). This environment during his childhood transformed him into a man who fought for change and only received validation through personal achievement; his mentality gave the United States the change it …show more content…

It is a program that helps the common man by government regulations for business in order to level the playing field. It gave equal and fair opportunities to ensure that no sector has an unfair advantage over another (Square Deal). Although Roosevelt was seen as a “traitor to his own class,” he continued to make changes that would benefit every American citizen. Roosevelt settled the coal strike of 1902 by forcing the owners to negotiate with the unions. Instances like the coal strike of 1902 almost never receive responses that benefit the workers, however, Theodore Roosevelt had the workers’ best interest at heart. He ended special privileges that large corporations received. He broke up the Northern Security Railroad monopoly by exercising the Sherman Antitrust act and started suits against Standard Oil and U.S Steel. President Roosevelt had become a progressive “trust-buster” (Square