Critical Engagement

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Evaluation and Critical Engagement
Based on my evaluation on both school of thoughts, I agree with perspective one side. I agree with perspective one, which is about the two systems of cognitive processes because it is relatable, and it makes clear sense. When a problem arises, people do not want to take the time to breakdown situation into pieces when they know a simpler solution is already made. Which leads to system 1 thinking where quick estimates, habits of thought and behavior and heuristics are held. Critical thinking would not be used to decide on which fast food joint to go to for dinner, it could be used but it only add to the problem because one can overthink and the next thing you know you are decided from ten restaurants compared to the original five. Which is why it would be best to go with your gut instinct. From my …show more content…

A problem can be more than an issue it can be creating a new idea or choosing between perspectives. Even though I agree with this perspective I cannot completely agree with the idea that no system is better than the other. In my opinion system 2 is better because consequences are considered, even though timing is a negative factor. Even though I side with perspective one, perspective two brings up an important idea about why critical thinking is so difficult and that is because it takes practice. This idea works along with perspective one idea that our reasoning skills may not be up to par, assumptions might be wrong or experience consequences that were unexpected.
In conclusion, the main idea of this paper is to answer the question, what is critical thinking and why is it so difficult. Based on research everyone has their own understanding of critical thinking but throughout this research paper it can be understand as the process of doing in-depth research about a certain topic that involves exploration and analyzation of collected