Reaction Paper About Smoking

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1. Explain how and/or why you chose the article. I chose this article because first it's a significant topic for society. which need to talk about more and second, it's a topic that I'm interested in, due to the fact of having a smoker in my life. 2. What is the purpose of the article The purpose of the article is showing how smoking could affect in smokers' life by different ways like awful smell and yellow teeth which will affect his social life severely. 3. Who (do you think) is the audience for the article? I think that the article is for the general audience who are above 15 years old. 4. Identify the thesis (or thesis statement) of the article. The thesis statement: " Especially since besides health, there are other negative effects …show more content…

Also, an important effect of smoking is that the habit will eventually cost the consumer’s finances as a smoker’s personal economy will be affected. These are only three out of many other effects that cigarette smoking can have, but to any sensible person they are more than enough to realize that smoking has negative effects. In the end, those who live in poverty, stink of smoke, and have yellow teeth are the people who are affected the most by this life-threatening activity. People cannot possibly be proud of calling themselves smokers. It is terrible for health as well as personal …show more content…

" those who live in poverty, stink of smoke, and have yellow teeth …" (Use of comma) to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. The comma is interesting because the writer can use it as a tool to list as many as he wants of Synonyms, nouns, adjective. etc. 4. "finances as a smoker’s personal economy …" (Use the apostrophe) to show possession. I find it interesting, because misplaced an apostrophe can completely change the meaning of the word. 5. " cost the consumer’s finances" (Use the apostrophe) to show possession. I find it interesting, because misplaced an apostrophe can completely change the meaning of the word. c. Identify 5 interesting vocabulary words, explain why you think they are interesting, give a written definition of each word and several synonyms; Permeates (a new word and I really find it a powerful word) Definition: to spread through something and be present in every part of it. Synonyms: Imbue, Impregnate, Infiltrate. Discolors (a new word) Definition: to cause a substance or material to change from its original color when you do not want it to. Synonyms: Defile, Sully, Besmear. Sensible (attractive word) Definition: based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or