Thesis Statement On Elder Abuse

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Brief Position Statement: Elder Abuse
As part of the Affordable Care Act, in 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the Elder Justice Act (EJA). The EJA is a stable order to support acknowledgement, reporting and prevention of elder abuse (Kleba & Falk, 2014). It is estimated that the number of older adults in the United States will be increase to almost ninety million by the year of 2050. As the aging population will result in older patients with more complex health problems. Making elder abuse one of the most convincing challenges facing the nation’s future. No one knows the true incidence of elder abuse. But, it estimated that as many as 10% of older adults faced some form of abuse , neglect, or exploitation every year (Kleba& Falk, 2014).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention defined elder abuse as any abuse and neglect of a person between the age 60 and older by individuals that could be family or non-family caregivers in a relationship involving a belief of trust (Kleba & Falk, 2014). Under the EJA act, older adults who can no longer live independently may be vulnerable to mistreatment in the forms of physical abuse, psychologic or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, financial …show more content…

In March 2011, the senate special committee on Aging held a hearing on elder abuse; “Justice for All: Ending Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation. Based on the Government Accountability Office and experts emphasized the lack of research, education training and prevention strategies to protect elders (Dong, 2014). What many people does not understand, is that elder abuse is a major concern that happens everywhere. Thus, the whole all health care field, the community as a whole, adults protective service can be a good source to help minimize elder abuse, which will contribute to elderly persons’