
Think Criticall As A Registered Nurse Essay

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Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations by ANA 2010. Nurse is a person who cares for unknown person regards background of the person. They have completed basic nursing course with certified training. Those who have soft hearted, willingness of forwarding help and a knack for science or anatomy choose nursing as profession. To be a successful nurse this quality not enough. Advocate is one of the important roles nurses have to carried nowadays to protect the interest of patient. The ability of think …show more content…

Able to questions policies and practices that may be in conflict with standard of practice for RNs. In same time able to show evidence to each question to the organization. Practice reasonable judgement and makes timely decision to avoid delay and harm in patient care. Meanwhile as nurse Manager (NM) needs to promote practice environment that supports professional accountability within nursing protocol. Ensure makes appropriate decisions about the delegates the resources to her nurses. NM needs to give the rewards fairly and represents both staff and administrations at same time. According to health organization guides a nurse educator (NE) they promotes a learning environment that supports professional accountability to clinician. They provides appropriate supervision of learners that supports their abilities to provide safe, compassionate, competent and ethical nursing practice according to protocols and policies. Last not least as nurse researcher needs to do studies on nursing practice, education and administration to support professional

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