
Thomas Henry Huxley's Brave New World

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Thomas Henry Huxley was born in London on 4 May 1825, the son of a maths teacher. When he was 10, Huxley's family moved to Coventry and three years later he was apprenticed to his uncle, a surgeon at the local hospital. He later moved to London where he continued his medical studies. At 21, Huxley signed on as assistant surgeon on HMS Rattlesnake, a Royal Navy ship assigned to chart the seas around Australia and New Guinea. During the voyage, he collected and studied marine invertebrates, sending his papers back to London. When he returned he found that the papers had been read and admired and in 1851 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1854, Huxley was appointed professor at the School of Mines in London. He met Charles Darwin
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