
Three Words In Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World

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What is your motto or quote that you live by? It seems like everybody has one that they would say “defines them.” They would enjoy telling why they have one and why that explains their personality. Would you like one that already define you before you were even born? In the novel Brave New World each person have to live by three words: community, identity, and stability. These three words have a huge meaning behind it and it defines their world. It is to keep everyone in their class and stop them from detecting anything different. These three words were instilled in them, showed, created important values, and how successful each attributes was cultivated in them. Each of these values are important because everyone has to live by them. …show more content…

One example would be, creating babies inside of labs and using the Bokanovsky Process. They would remove the ovaries from the girls and manipulate the eggs to create 96 identical twins. From the beginning, they would take their identity away. Another way was from the machines that would harm the kids by shocking them. That made them scared of certain things so that they wouldn't try and touch them or think of them. For example, they scared one group from liking books and flowers. So when they saw these two items, the kids instantly became scared and not touch it. Soma is another way that the World State instill these values. This is probably the best way that the government instilled their values into the citizens. They used that to control the kids minds to make them calm and made them act sexually with everyone. Also, it take the kids ability to realize what is going on in their society and what the government is actually doing to them. Each of the three attributes are successful because it changes the kids mindsets from the beginning of their life. From the labs, they started out having the babies look identical, so that no one could have their own style. They wanted each of them to be exactly alike, so as they grew older, the machines conditioned them into liking and disliking certain things. They would be shock if they showed signs of creativity, like touching a book. The Soma

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