The Value Of Happiness

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As humans, it is second nature pursue happiness to the extent that it is written in the American Declaration of
Independence (Kluger). Happiness is an state of mind that is desired by many as can be attested by the lengths people go to achieve it. It is common practice to go out with friends on the weekend, visit the amusement park, or go shopping in order to maintain the state of happiness. The emphasis placed of the pursuit of euphoria should prompt the question as to whether happiness should be the state that people should attempt to preserve as a default state during a person's life or if happiness is hindering the acquisition of satisfaction in their lives. While happiness is considered by many a wonderful emotion, the happiness seems …show more content…

Happiness is largely undefined because it is as unique as the individual that experiences it. A definite understanding of happiness is hopeless, “But science can illuminate components of happiness . . . a review of the literature [leads] us to identify three constituents of happiness: (i) pleasure (or positive emotion); (ii) engagement; and (iii) meaning” (Seligman et al. 418). While it cannot be defined, happiness can be characterized by pleasure, an overall positive emotion, that is derived from an experience. Happiness can also be achieved through the engagement involved in an activity meaning being fully absorbed in an activity can lead to immense satisfaction. Finally, happiness can be experienced through actions that give a person meaning. Meaning is a route to happiness that comes from something larger than ourselves; something family or justice and satisfies the desire to have a purpose in life (Seligman et al. …show more content…

When given the choice people tend to choose happiness over depression or a comedy over a tragedy. It is rarely acknowledged that, “ ‘Negative’ moods summon a more attentive, accommodating thinking style that leads you to really examine facts in a fresh and creative way” (David 125). While under the influence of a negative emotion, it can be difficult to find motivation to participate in even the most mundane action. This lack of motivation allows for more time between the formation of an idea and the execution. Negative emotions allow for more time to consider audacious action and more rational thinking that includes many more factors than just being happy. It allows people to moderate their actions and augments their ability to assess a situation or idea and act