Three Ethical Perspective Analysis

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The three ethical perspectives are relativism, emotivism and ethical egoism. Relativism is something that everyone has, it can be as small as thinking American football is better than soccer or as extreme as being part of a cult. It’s what you believe is right because you were raised thinking that way. The problem comes when you move out to a different place away from what you know and have to deal with different kinds of people. What you think is right might be wrong to someone else because they were raised differently than you. The second one is emotivism, this one falls under the moral and how I feel when something is done. Last week I had a going away dinner for one of my friends and we did not have enough seats or tables for everyone. While we were ordering one of my friends got up to use the bathroom after he order his food and not even one minute later a person that I didn’t know sat in his chair. My friend came back and was shocked that his seat was taken, however he did not try to ask for his seat back. His food came and sat in the table, which he was getting ready to grab it and eat it while standing up, at this …show more content…

While I was there my wife and I used to go out with friends to catch lobster while in season. The max that you can get per person is six if you have a license, which we all did and once we hit our max we would return and enjoyed some fresh seafood. However, a lot of other people will bring more than the limit and some will catch lobster while off-season. There was a news release that the Key West police charge a group of people for having over 600 tails of lobsters in their boat, which generated a lot of press and interest among the people that lived in Key West. I feel that these guys had the mentality of an ethical egoism because all they cared was about them self’s. They knew what they were doing is wrong, but continue because they were going to benefit from