
Three Rites Of Confession Study Guide

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The Three Rites Of Confession
First Rite
Individual Confession
Second Rite
Communal Confession
Third Rite
General Absolution

Individual Confession
A one-on-one confession between the confessor and the priest. The confessor tells the priest their sins and the priest absolves them and gives them a penance.

“Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (john 20: 22-23).
Communal Confession
A priest welcomes a group with a short prayer service before moving into individual confession.
General Absolution
General absolution is reserved for special circumstances in which it is morally or physically impossible for persons to confess and be absolved individually.
What is the meaning of the Anointing Of The Sick?
- The suffering Jesus …show more content…

- The Sacrament provides and occasion for those who are sick or dying to express their faith in the resurrection of Christ, and in their own resurrection.
How the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick has been practiced.
- The Gospels portray Jesus as someone who could provide physical, emotional and spiritual healing to those who approached him. The Gospels also tell us that Jesus passed on his power of healing to his disciples.
- To continue the healing work of Jesus Christ and his apostles, laying on of hands and anointing with oil were administered to the sick in the early Church.
- During the first eight centuries of the Church, priests or ‘elders’ would anoint the sick with oil (which had been previously blessed by the bishop), lay their hands on them and call on the Holy Spirit to heal them. Lay people also used oil to heal sick friends or relatives by rubbing the oil on the injured parts of the body.
- During the Middle Ages, anointing by priests became one of the seven sacraments. The sacrament was usually conducted on a person’s

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