
Tikki Tavi Character Analysis

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Rikki-Tikki is the name of the character I will be analysing from the short story called “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”. The author’s name is Joseph Rudyard Kipling. He said, “[Books] were among the most important affairs in the world…. I had found out, too, that one could take a pen and set down what one thought and that nobody accused one of ‘showing off’ by doing so” (29). He made Rikki-Tikki a brave, curious, and valiant character that played the role of a hero by saving the garden and his new family from terrorizing king cobras.

Rikki-Tikki shows his bravery when Nagaina enters the house and tries to kill Teddy. After Nagaina left the bungalow to try and save her egg, Rikki-Tikki had, “His little white teeth clenched on her (Nagaina’s) tail and he went down with her, and very few mongooses, however wise and old they maybe, care to follow a cobra into its hole,” (27). This shows that Rikki-Tikki was willing to risk his life to save the garden from the tyranny of the king cobras. …show more content…

This proves that Rikki-Tikki, being a mongoose, is a very curious creature, so he likes to go off and explore, which he did. He ran up and down, to and fro, left and right, until he was done exploring the house. When he was done exploring the house his curiosity had not been satisfied, so he explored the garden, where he first ran into the fiends terrorizing the other occupants of the garden; the

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