Tikki Tavi Characteristics

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The main character is Rikki Tikki Tavi, from the story of the same title by Rudyard Kipling. He is the protagonist in this short story, and he is a mongoose. His top qualities are that he is courageous, curious, and energetic. When he is swept away from his parents and lands in the garden of a bungalow, he becomes the family’s protector. He shows courage when fighting Nagaina and Nag, even though they are venomous snakes and are the most dangerous creatures in the garden. Rikki fought Nag until he was absolutely exhausted from “being banged to death” and the father of the family finally shot the snake. He also fought Nagaina, biting the heads off of Nag and Nagaina’s babies and showing the last egg 1964376to her to threaten her. The

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